These are the originals that I will then overpaint and add collage to.
This painting named Mallee Wheat has an address in Australia on the back. Mallee Wheat is a place in Victoria. There is a price on also 95 dollars, presumably australian dollars.
I have been buying paintings from charity shops for a while and then painting over them.
The original painting was a series of brown, beige and white stripes. I added a variety of images from newspapers and acrylic paint,
Stupidly I forgot to take photographs of the original paintings in this case so you can't see how they have altered!!!
Here is a new acquisition which is of a house in Helmsley North Yorkshire:
I have added four different pieces of newspaper collage and overpainted with acrylic paint.
This is an earlier acquisition that I have worked over with acrylic paint and I added a newspaper image of a view from a window in a derelict block of flats overlooking Glasgow.
The original painting was of a table and chair. I turned it sideways before adding collage and acrylic paint.
This original still life was overpainted with white acrylic paint.
This painting was originally a series of segments in pastel colours converging at a point. I added collage and acrylic paint.
I love how you transform old paintings and give them fun and style. Great work.